You'll find our support team very helpful. You can also send email to We check our email frequently and we will respond as quickly as possible.
Our support hotline is (858) 536-8077.
We STRONGLY recommend that you have an automated off-site backup system that will automatically backup all your program data.
T5 | How do I run Calculations Overnight?
1. Tools > Options > Application > AutoCalcs
2. Check On - Backup Database, Full Recalculation, Compact Database
3. Add the correct path to the database [Folder1]
4. Add the database name [Database 1] .... usually Totality5.mdb
5. Save
6. Set Totality5.exe /Autocalc to run after 12:00am using Windows Task Scheduler
7. Your workstation must be left on overnight with Totality closed.
a) Run calcs against server databases on local machine - LocalDir=C:\Temp
b) run on server. install totality application on server.
c) leave console open for morning review
Note the regular Totality5.log file contains the AutoCalc history.
System | A mapped network drive appears to be disconnected
Disconnected Network Drive shows with a red x and Totality cannot connect.
However, you can still access the contents of the mapped drive.
This problem can occur because of an issue in Symantec AntiVirus 10.0 and in Symantec Client Security 3.0.
To remove the incorrectly labeled mapped drive, follow these steps:
- Click Start, point to Run, type regedit, and then click OK.
- In Registry Editor, locate the following registry subkey:
- Right-click the mapped drive that you want to remove. For example, right-click ##Server_Name#Share_Name, and then click Delete. (delete the ones with ##)
T5 | What are the system requirements for Totality 5?
Totality can be installed and run on a single (non-networked) computer, a peer-to-peer network, or a dedicated server network.
Totality can not be run across a wireless network; the network edition requires a wired network.
Following are the minimum and recommended system requirements:
T5 | "ActiveX error" on Mail Merge and Import
Some customers have reported "Activex Error - Cannot create object" when trying to mail merge or import/export.
This seems to be an issue with some installations of Office 2016
Currently we recommend Uninstall/Reinstall of Office. This resolves the issue.
T5 | Copy and Paste not working in Windows 8 or Windows 10
This is a known windows issue and not directly related to Totality 5
Windows Clipboard problems are quirky, and the solution depends on the source of the interference.
Fixes Associated with Specific Applications
Any one, or combination, of the following add-ons, programs, or processes can cause the Windows Clipboard Copy and/or Paste function to not work properly in some or all programs (including MS Office – especially Excel, Facebook, or CTI Navigator Desktop), even though Copy-Paste may still work in Notepad.
Follow the instructions below, in sequence, as appropriate for what is running on your computer until the issue is resolved.
If you use Advanced System Care (free PC repair, tune-up and maintenance) from IOBIT (ASC): Open the ASC Toolbox > under Optimize, select Smart RAM > Settings > Un-check "Clean Clipboard" (not “quick clean” or “deep clean”).
If You use Skype: Delete the Skype Add-ins for Internet Explorer (IE) and Firefox. To un-install the "Click to Call" feature of Skype in Chrome or Firefox, close the browser, open Windows Control Panel, and Uninstall Skype Click To Call in Programs and Features. Otherwise, completely un-install Skype, then re-install the latest version of Skype after everything else is working correctly.
If the problem occurs in Internet Explorer: Open Internet Options > select the Advanced tab > click Reset under Reset Internet Explorer Settings > click OK. This often fixes clipboard problems associated with malware.
If you have multiple Internet Browsers installed and the Copy/Paste function does not work properly in any browser: un-install browsers in reverse order in which they were installed (latest one first) until Copy/Paste works properly in the remaining browser.
If you use Windows Remote Desktop: Open Windows Task Manager > select and end the RDPCLIP.EXE process > then restart the task. To restart the task, go to the Applications tab in the Task manager, click new task and type in rdpclip.exe .
If you use Webroot SecureAnywhere: Open Webroot > click on the gear icon beside "Identity Protection" > click the "Application Protection" tab > leave browsers set to "protect" > if your program experiencing a problem (such as CTI Navigator) is listed, change the "deny" setting to "allow".
If you leave many applications and/or background processes running (especially multiple different browsers, such as Chrome, Firefox and IE, and multiple MS Office programs - such as Outlook, Excel, and Word): Close them one-at-a-time (to free up working memory), starting with Outlook or the app or process showing the highest memory usage in the Windows Task Manager.
If you use Microsoft visual C++ 2005 (needed by some programs to work): In-install Visual C++ if you don't absolutely need it. If you do need Visual C++: Click the Windows Start button or icon and type the following in the search box: cmd /c “echo off | clip” (including the quotes); then press the Enter key. Note that there is one space between "cmd" and "/" but nowhere else. If you prefer to save this command, you can create a desktop shortcut. Just right-click on any unused space on the desktop and select New > Shortcut. Type cmd /c “echo off | clip” into the location box. Click Next, name the shortcut and Finish.
If you use Adobe Acrobat: Un-install it, and then re-install the latest version.
If you use Adobe Flash Player: Ensure that the most recent version is installed. If not, update Flash to its latest version.
T5 | Windows 10 and Microsoft Office
Microsoft Office 2000, 2003 and XP are not compatible with Windows 10.
The following versions of Microsoft Office with the latest Service Packs have been confirmed by Microsoft to be compatible with Windows 10:
Office 2016 Preview
Office 2013/Office 365
Office 2010
Office 2007
Older versions of Office such as Office 2000, 2003 and XP are not certified compatible with Windows 10 but might work using compatibility mode.
We cannot support T5 features such as import and mail merge for versions of Office that are not compatible with Windows 10.
T5 | Co-debetor data does not mail merge
Mail merge requires that the debtor has an address.
It is often a common oversight that the attached co-debtor does not have a current address.
If this is the case all the co-debtor data will not merge.
- Add a current address for the co-debtor.
T5 |How do I remove a contact from a claim
Removing any contact such as co-debtor, client, employer is easy in Totality 5
1. From the summary screen click the small box to the left of the contact name you wish to remove.
2. You will get a contextual menu with 'remove' as the only option.
3. Click remove to remove the contact from the claim.
Totality can't find the database on start up
Disconnected Network Drive shows with a red x and Totality cannot connect. (varying error messages)
However, you can still access the contents of the mapped drive. This may only occur on startup
Windows Registry Editor
restart and this issue should be solved, the mapped drives will connect for totality
T5 | Trend Micro or orther virus protection software keeps removing my Totality executable file
Trend micro and some other virus protection software may isolate or remove the Totality executable file.
In the case of Trend Micro totality5.exe is flagged as being an encryption program (ransomeware).
Unsure that an exception is created within the virus protection software for the C:\Totality 5 folder.
T5 | Mail Merge dropdown doesn't show any templates.
This may happen after an application update or changes to the computer hardware or software.
The mail merge window and the merge buttons on the main claim window/search window may not show any templates.
1. Click mail merge icon.
2. Click browse and navigate to the correct templates folder (usually on the server)
3. Choose a template and click ok/open
4. Choose a claim and merge it.
This should reset the path to the merge templates and they should now populate on merge buttons and screens
T5 | Virus detection programs (AGV,Norton) are quarentining files within totality
You may get a message from your virus detection software that it has found a threat in the Totality folder. This is a false warning but should not be ignored.
** You may also see the Windows MSI installer popup when opening Totality5. Please contact support if you see this. **
You need to create an exception for the C:\Totality5 folder and the folder on your server where your Totality database is located.
1. Click the "Settings" link in the Norton Antivirus window to navigate to Settings. The Computer tab is selected by default.
2. Click the "Antivirus and SONAR Exclusions" link and then click the "Configure" link next to "Items to Exclude from Scans." The Scan Exclusions window opens.
3. Click the "Add" button, then the "Browse" button. Select the file you want to exclude from scans and click "OK" twice to add the file to the Exclusions list. You can select an entire folder, and all its subfolders, if you want to exclude a group of files.
4. Click "Apply" and then "OK" to apply and save the new settings.
5. Click the "Configure" link next to "Items to Exclude from Auto-Protect, SONAR and Download Intelligence Detection."
6. Use the same method to add the file or folder to the Auto-Protect, SONAR and Download Intelligence Detection Exclusions list.
7. Click "OK" to return to the main Norton Antivirus window.
T5 | Wordperfect Mail Merge
The latest Wordperfect is supported by Totality 5 via a standalone helper application.
For the most part the process it the same as with Microsoft Word. Merge your documents normally in Totality 5. If you are using Wordperfect then Totality will give you a message to use the helper app to complete the merge.
Ticklers are created normally in the same way as with a Microsoft Word Merge
The helper app can be found in the C:\Totality 5 folder or download it here.
We suggest pinning it to your taskbar.
Notes from Pfister Issues;
- MS-office was not installed. This gives several error messages that can be ignored.
- The registry keys for wPerfect.dll were corrupt causing automation error. Cause unknown. Repaired by importing valid keys from development computer.
What are the differences between mail merge in T4 and T5
T5 has many more mail merge fields than T4. Almost all the fields you see in Totality ( plus some calculated values and dates) are available to merge and they are presented in the same order as the Totality screens.
However there are several fields in the court section whose names have been changed for consistency and clarity. You will need to update your templates accordingly. If you receive and error message when attempting to merge these fields may be the cause.
Court_Jurisdiction ((new))
Court_County (unchanged)
Court_Department (unchanged)
Court_District (unchanged)
Court_CaseNo ( was 'Case No')
Court_TranscriptNo (new)
Court_Remarks (unchanged)
Claims can now have any number of Attorneys linked to the various parties. The debtor's attorney and Clients' attorney are available as merge fields. Templates will need to updated accordingly.
«Debtor_Attorney_City», «Debtor_Attorney_State» «Debtor_Attorney_Zip»
T4 | My help icon does not work in T4
Please visit
and download and run the appropriate file for your system configuration.
T4 | Registration not holding, or cannot register.
The registration issue is most like caused by a virtualized set of Registry keys in HKEY_CURRENT_USER under the Microsoft virtual store. The set of keys should be deleted.
Do a search on HKEY_CURRENT_USER and scroll thru to see if a set of Totality 4 keys is duplicated and remove.
T4 | Import Instructions
For complete instructions on how to import claims via xls/csv please download and review:
T4 | Mail Merge Instructions
For complete instructions on how to use mail merge please download and review:
T4 | Complete Totality 4 Help File
We have a stand alone Entire Totality 4 help file in interactive format.
Unzip it and double-click on the Totality4.chm file.
You can also download the printed version of the help file here:
T4 | Stop Daily Calculations
To stop Totality from doing the daily warm-up (including interest calculations), download, unzip, and run one of these files on each workstation running Totality:
T4 | Program stuck on warmup
1. try running the program as Administrator.
2. The program may be looking for updates. You can turn this off by editing the registry
HKEY Local Machine > Software > Totality 4 > Update
Edit - UpdateCheck "No"
HKEY Local Machine > Software > wow3264node > Totality 4 > Update
Edit - UpdateCheck "No"
T4 | Stop Update Check On Startup
Close Totality and download the file depending on whether your machine is 32 bit or 64 bit:
32 bit:
64 bit:
Unzip and double click on the registry file inside. Click yes to any prompts.
All | Error occurs when trying to apply update/patch.
1. Close down Totality on ALL machines. (in the /data/ folder the database lock file should disappear when everyone is out).
2. if you have to use Task Manager to ensure the program is closed and that no Totality processes are running.
3. Back up the current database if necessary.
4. Run the patch.
5. Totality will open and the version at the bottom left of the screen should show the new updated version number.
6. Close Totality and repeat for the next computer.
T5 | Unable to run Crystal Reports - Error 20599 Cannot open SQL server-problem retrieving the report contents
1) Check ODBC is looking at the correct database
Click File, Open Database and choose the database you are already in. Then try running that report again.
If it still fails then the following edits need to be made in your Windows Registry:
HKEY Local Machine, Software, ODBC, ODBC.ini, Totality5
Edit the DBQ string to reflect the correct path to the database.
HKEY Local Machine, Software, wow6432node, ODBC, ODBC.ini, Totality5
Edit the DBQ string to reflect the correct path to the database.
2) Check that Driver (64 bit machines)
Using the registry locations shown above check the driver is pointing to C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\odbcjt32.dll
3) Run as Administrator
If the user has administrator rights then change Totality 5 shortcut properties to "Run As Administator"
4) Check that the following keys are not present:
All | Reports not exporting or export (envelope) button does nothing.
1. Close Totality and download this file:
2. Find the downloaded file and RIGHT CLICK and 'Run as Administrator.'
3. Open Totality and try exporting a report.
All | Print button is greyed out in Totality Report
This was a problem in early Win 7 64-bit where splwow64.exe would stop responding.
This was fixed by Microsoft in SP1 of Win 7.
You can end task on this file if you see this problem.
System | Totality can't see network drives to open database Win7, Vista, Win8, Win10
It happens when you run/install in "run as administrator" mode.
Fixed by forcing windows to make the network drives available to standard and administrator accounts:
1 - run regedit
2. - locate HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Policies/System
3 - create a new DWORD entry with the name EnableLinkedConnections and value 1.
4 - restart computer
5 - now you can see and use network drives with these installers or applications.
On the server are two files which the customer can use:
Can you override cost, interest and principal allocation?
It is not possible to manually override the cost, interest, principal allocation for a payment?
All | Windows 10 upgrade causes a prompt for network password
If you upgraded to Windows 10 you may find that you are now prompted for a network password when trying to access a network drive.
You can either set the network password or disable the password for network sharing.
To disable password protect sharing
1. Go to Control Panel
2. Network & Sharing
3. Advanced Sharing Settings
4. Change Network Sharing
5. All Networks
6. Turn off password protect sharing
System | Install Team Viewer
We use Teamviewer 9 as our remote-in software. To install this on your computer please follow the two steps below.
1. Download and run
2. Install as "Basic" for "Company/Commercial Use"
System | Cut and Paste not working in Totality
According to Microsoft help this may be caused by other programs such as Outlook preventing the paste.
Close Outlook and kill all processes. If this fails then close other programs that may have used cut and paste, e.g. Word.